☕ Does Screaming at Coffee Make It Stronger?

Hypothesis: Energy drinks exist, so logically, yelling at caffeine should supercharge it.

Method: Brew a cup of coffee. Instead of sugar, add sheer emotional intensity by screaming at it for 30 seconds.

Results: No measurable change in caffeine levels, but the barista at Starbucks asked me to leave.

Conclusion: Screaming does not alter coffee potency, but it can alter social standing.

🚗 Can You Parallel Park Using Only Theoretical Physics?

Hypothesis: If Schrödinger’s cat can exist in two states at once, then a car can be both parked and not parked.

Method: Attempt to parallel park using only equations and shouting "IT'S JUST A PROBABILITY WAVE!"

Results: The car is still in motion, but my insurance premium increased.

Conclusion: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle does not apply to parking tickets.

🐱 Can You Train a Cat to Code?

Hypothesis: Cats already walk on keyboards, so with proper guidance, they should learn Python.

Method: Set up a keyboard, place cat in front of it, and offer treats for correct syntax.

Results: The cat typed "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkllllllllllll", which is valid in JavaScript.

Conclusion: Cats are already better at JavaScript than most developers.